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Page kept for historical purpose, but no longer relavant >> visit Fame Tree for updated info

Fame Tree Pre R155

Badges of Honor (Honor) may be invested to build the Fame tree. This tree is used mainly to alter battle mechanics when competing against another player, however, talents level 25 and above also affect gameplay when fighting in the wild. With each level gained, the player incurs 1% less damage from others and deals 1% additional damage.


Fame tree

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Final Supernova - When you die in battle, all of your energy will manifest into an enormous discharge. This supernova will inflict 1000% of your basic damage as physical damage upon all enemies within a 11 meter radius.

Sw 40-1

Sw 40-2

Cyanite Shield - If your life force falls below 33%, you will be enveloped by a cyanite shield that will absorb almost all of the damage you suffer for 4,0 seconds.


Liberation - You can use your Teleport and Frost Nova skills to reverse a buff that stuns or has any other negative effect.

Sw 35-1

Sw 35-2

Permafrost - The stunning effects of your Frost Wind and Frost Nova skills now last 33% longer.


Quicker Missile - The speed of your ice missile, fireball, magic missile and chain lightning skills has been increased by 33%.

Sw 30-1

Sw 30-2

Magical Virtuoso - The impact of your Lightning Strike and Meteor skills is reduced by 33%.


Defiance - The duration of all enemy stunning spells has been reduced by 33%.



Determination - After you've been stunned, you will be immune from all enemy stunning buffs for 4,0 seconds.


Light Footed - Your travel speed in competition has been increased by 20%.



Nimble - Your attack speed in competition has now been increased by 15%.


Battle Frenzy - After having defeated an enemy player, you'll fall into a battle frenzy that will increase your travel speed by 25% and the damage you inflict by 25% for 6,0 seconds. Additionally, 50% of your mana will be replenished.



Ready to Fight - After defeating an enemy player, 25% of your life force will be restored.


Better Basic Combat Techniques - The damage inflicted upon other player by your magic missile, ice missiles and lightning chain has been increased by 33%.



Better Specialized Combat Techniques - The damage inflicted upon other players by your fire ball and lightning strike skills has been increased by 10%.


Battle Instinct - The damage you inflict upon other players has been increased by 15%.



Steadfastness - Reduces the damage you sustain from other players by 15%..


Fame tree
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40 The Forest's Vengence - When you die in battle, the guardian of the woods will inflict 150% of your basic damage as physical damage every second for 4 seconds upon all enemies within a 10 meter radius. Additionally, the travel speed of all who are hit will be severely reduced. R401 R402 Survival Instinct - If your life force falls below 33%, your survival instinct skill will activate an adrenaline rush that will replenish your concentration and increase your travel speed by 50% for 5,0 seconds. In addition, you will have 4,0 second immunity against enemy stun effects.
35 Indomitable - You can now use your Adrenaline and Dive skills to reverse a buff that stuns or has any other negative effect. R351 R352 Heavy Hit - The stun effects of your bird of prey and net skills will now last 33% longer.
30 Higher-Quality Arrow - The arrows you shoot using your precision shot and hunting arrow skills will now fly 33% quicker. R301 R302 Might of the Forest - Your bird of prey flies faster and follows enemies for a longer period of time. In addition, the cool-down time for your Wolf Packa skill is reduced by 15%.
25 Defiance - The duration of all enemy stunning spells has been reduced by 33%. R251 R252 Determination - After you've been stunned, you will be immune from all enemy stunning buffs for 4,0 seconds.
20 Light Footed - Your travel speed in competition has been increased by 20%. R201 R202 Nimble - Your attack speed in competition has now been increased by 15%.
15 Battle Frenzy - After having defeated an enemy player, you'll fall into a battle frenzy that will increase your travel speed by 25% and the damage you inflict by 25% for 6,0 seconds. Moreover, your concentration will increase by 50% R151 5152 Ready to Fight - After defeating an enemy player, 25% of your life force will be restored.
10 Better Basic Combat Techniques - The damage inflicted upon other player by your hunting arrow and death swing skills has been increased by 33%. R101 R102 Better Specialized Combat Techniques - The damage inflicted upon other players by your precision shot and deadly blow skills has been increased by 10%

Battle Instinct - The damage you inflict upon other players has been increased by 15%

R051 R052 Steadfastness - The damage inflicted upon you by other players has been reduced by 15%.


Fame tree
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40 Wail of Death - At the moment of your death, you let out a bloodcurdling screech that stuns all enemies within a 5 meter radius for a few seconds and inflict 400% of your base damage as physical damage to enemies. Dk 40-1 Dk 4-2 Supernatural Regeneration - If your life force falls below 33%, your metabolism will speed up and a supernatural regenerative force will be unleashed that causes your wounds to heal entirely on their own.
35 War Cry - You can now use your Furious Battle Cry and Dragon Hide skills to debuff stunning effects or any other negative effects. Dk 35-1 Dk 35-2 Unstoppable - While your dragon hide skill is in effect, you are immune from negative effects.
30 Brute Force - The damage inflicted upon other players by your Rage Jump, Ground Breaker and Iron Brow skill has been increased by 33%. Dk 30-1 Dk 30-2 Heavy Hit- The stun effects of your stunning skills now last 33% longer.
25 Defiance - The duration of all enemy stunning spells has been reduced by 33%. R251 R252 Determination - After you've been stunned, you will be immune from all enemy stunning buffs for 4,0 seconds.
20 Light Footed - Your travel speed in competition has been increased by 20% R201 R202 Nimble - Your attack speed in competition has now been increased by 15%.
15 Battle Frenzy - After having defeated an enemy player, you'll fall into a battle frenzy that will increase your travel speed by 25% and the damage you inflict by 25% for 6,0 seconds. Additionally, your rage increases by 50%. R151 5152 Ready to Fight - After defeating an enemy player, 25% of your life force will be restored.
10 Better Basic Combat Techniques - The damage inflicted upon other player by your rage attack and rageful swing skills has been increased by 33%. R101 R102 Better Specialized Combat Techniques - The damage inflicted upon other players by your smash and bloody wild swing skills has been increased by 10%.

Battle Instinct - The damage you inflict upon other players has been increased by 15%

R051 R052 Steadfastness - The damage inflicted upon you by other player has been reduced by 15%.

Steam Mechanicus

Fame tree
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40 FIery Vengeance - If you are killed in battle, you'll plant 4 live Bombs that will rush your opponents and cause 600% of your base damage as physical damage. Fiery vengence Emergency measures Emergency Measures - If your hitpoints sink below 33%, you'll automatically build two "Mechanical Turrets" that will protect you for 10 seconds and have a reload time of one minute.
35 Awakening - Use the "Rocket Pack" and "Iron Dwarf" skills to remove all stunning and negative effects. Awakening Finest dwarven steel Finest Dwarven Steel - You are immune to all negative effects when in "Iron Dwarf" mode.
30 Black Steel Shrapnel - The damage you cause enemy players with the "Bomb" and "C14 Micro-Rocket" skills is now 33% higher. Dk 30-1 Dk 30-2 Lasting Effect - The stunning effects of the "Heavy Shot," "C14 Micro-Rocket" and "Iron Pounce" skills will last 33% longer on enemy players.
25 Defiance - The duration of all enemy stunning spells has been reduced by 33% R251 R252 Determination - After you've been stunned, you will be immune from all enemy stunning effects for 4,0 seconds
20 Light Footed - Your travel speed in battle is 20% faster. R201 R202 Nimble - Your attack speed in battle is now 15% faster.
15 Battle Frenzy - After defeating an enemy player, you'll fall into a battle frenzy that will increase your travel speed by 25% and the damage you cause by 25% for 6,0 seconds. Additionally, 50% of your Steam will be replenished. R151 5152 Ready to Fight - After defeating an enemy player, 25% of your life force will be restored.
10 Better Basic Combat Techniques - Increases the damage caused by the "Quick Shot" and "Heavy Shot" skills by 20%. R101 R102 Better Specialized Combat Techniques - The damage your Turrets cause in increased by 20%.

Battle Instinct - The damage you inflict upon other players has been increased by 15%

R051 R052

Steadfastness - Reduces the damage you sustain from other players by 15%.

Level Requirement

Lvl Experience Lvl Experience Lvl Experience Lvl Experience Lvl Experience
1 50 (100) 11 4.375 (1.250) 21 44.025 (10.500) 31 349.525 (76.000) 41 2.387.525 (490.000)
2 150 (150) 12 5.625 (1.500) 22 54.525 (13.000) 32 425.525 (92.000) 42 2.877.525 (560.000)
3 300 (200) 13 7.125 (1.900) 23 67.525 (16.000) 33 517.525 (110.000) 43 3.437.525 (630.000)
4 500 (250) 14 9.025 (2.400) 24 83.525 (20.000) 34 627.525 (130.000) 44 4.067.525 (700.000)
5 750 (325) 15 11.425 (3.000) 25 103.525 (24.000) 35 757.525 (160.000) 45 4.767.525 (770.000)
6 1.075 (400) 16 14.425 (3.700) 26 127.525 (29.000) 36 917.525 (190.000) 46 5.537.525 (840.000)
7 1.475 (500) 17 18.125 (4.600) 27 156.525 (35.000) 37 1.107.525 (230.000) 47 6.377.525 (910.000)
8 1.975 (600) 18 22.725 (5.700) 28 191.525 (43.000) 38 1.337.525 (280.000) 48 7.287.525 (980.000)
9 2.575 (800) 19 28.425 (7.000) 29 234.525 (52.000) 39 1.617.525 (350.000) 49 8.267.525 (1.050.000)
10 3.375 (1.000) 20 35.425 (8.600) 30 286.525 (63.000) 40 1.967.525 (420.000) 50 9.317.525